CRM Users
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Last updated
User can create/add new user in CRM
To add new user
Go to CRM
In CRM, go to Users
In Users click on +User
Select add new in the given pop up and click on next
Add all the details and save
New user will be added in the list
To add the existing employee in the CRM, click on the +Users
In the given pop up, select Add existing and click on the next
Select the user from the list and save
An existing user will be added in the CRM users
After adding the existing employee in CRM, user need to give the permission for CRM app
To give permission, go to permission tab and click on +Permission
Select the employee from the list, select the role and save
User will be added in the permission list
If user wants to change the permission, click on the 3 dots and select edit
Change the role and save
To add an existing employee in the team, go to Teams
Click on the 3 dots of the team in which you want to add the user
Select the user from the list and save
User will be added in the Team