Create and Manage Candidate

"Candidates" are individuals applying for a job within an organization, expressing interest through the recruitment process from application to selection.

Create Candidate

QAF allows you to create candidate in the following ways

  1. Create Candidate individually

  2. Import Candidates

  3. Add candidates from career portal

Create Candidates Individually

To create candidates individually in two ways.

A) From card view

B) From list view

Go to Candidate Search menu.

Click on card view icon.

Go to More option and click on Add Candidate button.

Enter the details in the Create Candidate page and click on Save

Click on list view icon

Go to More option and click on Add Candidate button

Enter the details in the Create Candidate page and click on Save

Import Candidates

When recruiter have a huge list of candidates in a spreadsheet and they would like to add them as candidates in your system, recruiter can import the file and they will be added as Candidate.

Go to Candidate Search menu

Go to More option and click on Import button

Recruiter can Download Template in xlsx format

Make Sure you filled up all Required Fields data while importing data

Click on Upload bulk data to upload your candidate list

After uploading candidates in xlsx file format. You can see imported candidates in candidate list

Add candidates from career portal

When candidate apply for job application from career portal applied candidates added in candidate list

Enter URL and Career Portal will open

Go to job details page by clicking on Job Title

Click on Apply for this Job button

Enter all details of candidate and click on Save button

Applied candidate shows in candidate list

Edit Candidate

Recruiter can choose to edit the candidate that they have created.

To edit candidate in two way

  1. Card view

  2. List view

Go to Candidate Search menu

Click on Candidate Name which recruiter want to edit

Go to candidate details page and click on Edit icon

Make the necessary changes and click Save

From list view:

Go to list view and click on action (3 dot) icon

Click on edit which recruiter want to edit record

Make the necessary changes and click Save

Delete Candidate

Candidate once added can be deleted if no longer necessary

To delete candidate in two way

  1. Card view

  2. List view

Go to Candidate Search menu

Click on Candidate Name which recruiter want to delete

Click on Delete icon to delete candidate record

From list view:

Go to list view and click on action (3 dot) icon

Click on Delete icon to delete candidate record

View Candidate

Recruiter can choose to view the candidate details that you have created.

To view candidate in two ways

  1. Card view

  2. List view

Go to Candidate Search menu

Click Candidate Name which you want to View

Click on View Icon to view candidate details

From list view:

Go to list view and click on action (3 dot) icon

Click on View Icon which recruiter want to view candidate details

Recruiter can view candidate details

Bulk Edit and delete candidate

Recruiter can choose to bulk edit and delete candidates that you have created.

To bulk edit candidate

Go to list view and select candidates which recruiter want to edit

Click on edit

Select fields which recruiter want to edit in bulk and click on “+ “.

Add values and click on save.

User can see updated record

To bulk delete candidate

Go to list view and select candidates which recruiter want to delete

Click on delete.

Give your confirmation in the popup and records will be deleted.

Recruiter can see the candidate’s interviews, candidate document, Education, shortlisted for job, exam details and offer details in candidate details page

Click on candidate name to open candidate details page

Scroll down page and see the all grids

Recruiter can perform action from candidate

Go to the Candidate Menu and Click on the View Icon.

After clicking on View, a pop-up window will appear displaying the candidate's details.

Select the candidate by checking the checkbox next to their name.

Once selected, the recruiter can perform actions such as Edit, Delete, Move, and other available actions from the action buttons.

To view more details or the candidate's history, click on the three-dot menu (⋮) next to the candidate's name.

This will allow the recruiter to access options to view detailed information and the candidate's activity history.

Last updated