Leave From Mobile

A leave request is a formal submission by an employee to their employer, seeking permission to be absent from work for a specific period, usually for reasons such as vacation or personal matters.

Raise Leave Request

To log in to the mobile app, enter your username, password, and URL.

Go to Leave App.

Click on +Leave.

Fill out all details and save it.

The applied leave request is displayed in 'My Leave'. Click on the hamburger icon (three horizontal lines).

Click on My Leave.

Users can view all of their own leaves in 'My Leaves'.

After applying for leave, the request is sent to the manager for approval.

Click on 'My Team Leaves'.

The manager can view all pending requests in 'My Team Leaves'.

The manager can open a leave request from 'Team Leave' by clicking on the down arrow.

Click on View.

Check the request details and click on More.

Click on Approve or Reject.

After the request is approved, the user can see the status updated to Closed in my leave, and the leave count is added to Availed, deducting from the Balance.

Leave Cancellation

If for any reason the user wants to cancel their leave, they can do so from My Leave.

Click on Cancel.

Add Cancel Reason and click on Submit.

After canceling the leave, the status changes to Cancellation Submitted, and the request is assigned to the manager for approval.

Go to Pending Cancellation.

The manager can view all pending cancellation leave requests in Pending Cancellation.

Click on down arrow.

Click on view to see the request details.

Manager can approve or reject the leave request.

Click on Approve.

After approving the request, the status changes to Cancel Closed.

Last updated