Sprints and Task Management

Go to Sprint.

Task Management

Project leader can add task from project itself.

To manage all resource tasks, click on Go To Planner.

Once click on Go To Planner, plan will be created which is associated with the project.

Click on user icon to sync allocated resources.

Click on +Container, to add container.

Click on +New to add task.

After adding the task, it will be shown in the lane structure.

After assigning a task to a resource, it will be shown in the 'Task Due Today' section if the task is due today.


How to Create Sprint

Go to Sprint.

Click on +Sprint.

Fill out the details and save it.

Sprints are shown in the grid based on their planned start and end dates.

Once the sprint has started, users are able to associate tasks with the sprint by dragging and dropping.

If a task associated with the sprint is completed, the Sprint Burnout chart will be updated.

Last updated