User Mapping
User mapping in the context of permissions refers to the process of associating specific users or groups with particular permissions or access rights within a system or application.
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User mapping in the context of permissions refers to the process of associating specific users or groups with particular permissions or access rights within a system or application.
Last updated
To give access of recruitment app follow below steps
Go to User Management App
Go to User Mapping tab and click on +New Record tab
Select App name as Offboarding and select users which you want to allow for Recruitment and click on Save button
You can choose to edit the user mapping that you have created.
To edit user mapping
Make the necessary changes and click Save
User mapping once added can be deleted if no longer necessary
To delete user mapping
Give your confirmation in the popup and the record will be deleted
Click on the Action (3 vertical dots) for the record which you would like to edit and click the Edit button
Click on the Action (3 vertical dots) for the record which you would like to delete and click the Delete button