General Stages
Create Workflow
User can create a workflow to automate the process
To create a workflow
Go to settings
In setting, select Workflow
Click on +Workflow to add a new workflow
Select the workflow type as per requirement
In Automated flow, a workflow will start when a record is created, updated or deleted
In Scheduled flow, workflow will start automatically at a scheduled time
In Instant flow, workflow will start manually
Click on the automated flow
A pop up will appear
Select the option for which workflow will trigger
On Record Added: A workflow will trigger when a record will be added in the repository
On Record Removed: A workflow will trigger when a record will be removed from the repository
On Record Updated: A workflow will trigger when a record will be updated in the repository
On Email Received: A workflow will trigger when an email will received
Select the option On Record Added and click on Next
Click on the detail tab and add all the details
After adding all the details click on the workflow stages
In workflow stages, click on stages
In stages, go to the general tab
In general tab there are total 9 stages.
Last updated