Create and Manage Job

A job post, also known as a job advertisement or job listing, is a written announcement created by an employer or a hiring organization to attract potential candidates for a specific job vacancy.

Create Job Post

QAF allows you to create Job Post in the following ways:

  1. Create Job Post individually

  2. Import Job Posts

Create Job Post individually

To create contacts individually in two ways.

  1. From Card View

  2. From List View

Create Job Post from Card View.

Go to Job Posting menu.

Click on More option and click on Add Job.

Enter the details in the create Job Post page and click on Save.

The added Job Post is shown at the top.

Create Job Post from List View

Click on list view icon.

Go to list view and click on More.

Click on Add Job option.

Fill up all the job details.

Select the job template that needs to be assigned to the job post. The fields related to the added job template will be visible in the tracker.

If recruiter want to assign the job post to any other recruiter, then add the recruiter's name in the 'Assign To' field.

If recruiter want to publish on Careers Portal and Fresher opening portal, Select the Publish on Careers Portal and Show Freshers opening checkbox.

After completing all the details, click on save.

Import records

When a recruiter has a large list of job posts in a spreadsheet and would like to add them to the system, they can import the file, and the job posts will be added.

Go to Job Post menu.

Go to More option and click on Import.

Recruiter can Download Template in xlsx format.

Make sure you filled up all required fields data while importing data.

Click on Upload bulk data to upload your job posts.

After uploading job post in xlsx file format. Recruiter can see imported job posts in job post list.

Edit Job Post from Details Page

Recruiter can choose to edit the job post that they have created.

To edit job post

Go to Job Post menu.

Click on the job title that the recruiter wants to edit.

Click on Edit icon to edit update job post details.

Make the necessary changes and click Save button.

Edit Job Post from List View

Go to Job Posting menu.

Click on list view.

Click on actions (3 dot) and select Edit option.

Make the necessary changes and click Save button.

Delete Job Post

Job post once added can be deleted if no longer necessary.

To delete job post

Go to Job Posting menu.

Go to list view.

Click on Delete icon to delete job post.

View Job Post Details

Recruiter can choose to view the job details that you have created.

To view Job Post

Go to Job Posting menu.

Click on List View icon.

Click on View Icon to view job details.

Expired Job Post

Recruiter can see the expired job post .

Go to job posting and select show expired jobs filter and apply filter.

Full control user able to edit expired job post.

Click on edit icon.

Make the necessary changes and click Save button.

Full control user only perform export action.

Go to more and click on Export.

Replicate Job Post

Replicating a job post involves creating a similar job advertisement to attract candidates for a specific position.

Go to Job Posting menu.

Click on List View icon.

Click on Replicate Option.

If recruiter click on the 'Replicate' option, a pop-up will appear, and they can view the replicated job post.

If recruiter click on Save button, Job post will replicate.

Job Post Bulk Edit & Delete

It refers to a feature where multiple job postings can be edited simultaneously or in bulk.

Go to Job Posting.

Click on List View Icon.

Select multiple job posts which recruiter want to edit or delete at time.

Click on Edit option to edit job post.

Select fields which recruiter want to update and click on save.

After click on save job post will be updated.

Click on delete icon to delete multiple record.

Details Tab

In the details tab, the recruiter can view details of the job post.

Go to job post Detail tab.

The recruiter can see a graph where they can check how many candidates have which status.

Shortlist Tab

In shortlist tab, recruiter can see all candidates available in candidate database.

Go to Shortlist tab.

The recruiter can check candidates that match the job requirements and shortlist those candidates.

Recruiter can add candidate from shortlist tab.

If the recruiter wants to share the job description (JD) with any candidate, they should select the checkbox and click on the 'Share JD' button.


Candidates who have applied for the job post from the career portal are shown in the Applied tab.

Go to Applied tab.

The recruiter can view the candidate's profile and shortlist them for the current job post.

Job Offer

Candidates who have given offers are all shown in the offer tab.

Recruiter can add job offer for any candidate directly from Offer tab.

Last updated