Shortlist candidate for job post

Go to candidate search.

Click on Shortlist button.

Select the Job post for which recruiter want to shortlist and click on Save button.

Candidate will be added to the selected Job Post tracker.

If the candidate is already shortlisted for any job post, then it will show a validation message.

If recruiter click on the link, they will be redirected to the job post where the candidate is added.

Shortlist Candidate from Job post- Shortlist Candidate Tab

Go to Job Post.

Go to Shortlist Candidate tab.

Click on Shortlist button which recruiter want shortlist for current job post.

Once click on Shortlist button candidate added in current job post tracker.

If candidate is already added in any job post tracker, then it will show validation message.

If you click on the link, you will be redirected to the job post where the candidate is added.

If recruiter want to move candidate from existing tracker to current tracker then click on move, and candidate will added in current job tracker.

Shortlist Candidate from job post - Applied Tab

Go to Job Post.

Go to Applied tab.

Click on Shortlist button which recruiter want shortlist for current job post.

Once click on Shortlist button candidate added in current job post tracker.

If candidate is already added in any job post tracker, then it will show validation message.

If recruiter click on the link, they will be redirected to the job post where the candidate is added.

If recruiter want to move candidate from existing tracker to current tracker then click on move, and candidate will added in current job tracker.

Reject Candidate

Recruiters can reject candidates from the 'Applied' tab. Click on Reject.

After rejecting a candidate, the candidate card will show a 'Rejected' status, and the 'Shortlist' button will be disabled.

Rejected candidates cannot be shortlisted for the same job post. The candidate card will show a 'Rejected' status, and the 'Shortlist' button will remain disabled in shortlist candidate tab.

Last updated