Create Workflow

Create Workflow

User can create a workflow to automate the process

To create a workflow

GO to settings

In setting, select Workflow

Click on +Workflow to add a new workflow

Select the workflow type as per requirement

In Automated flow, a workflow will start when a record is created, updated or deleted

In Scheduled flow, workflow will start automatically at a scheduled time

In Instant flow, workflow will start manually

Click on the automated flow

A pop up will appear

Select the option for which workflow will trigger

  1. On Record Added: A workflow will trigger when a record will be added in the repository

  2. On Record Removed: A workflow will trigger when a record will be removed from the repository

  3. On Record Updated: A workflow will trigger when a record will be updated in the repository

  4. On Email Received: A workflow will trigger when an email will received

Select the option On Record Added and click on Next

Click on the detail tab and add all the details

After adding all the details click on the workflow stages

In workflow stages, click on stages

In stages, go to the general tab

In general tab there are total 9 stages.


Select Approval stage

In the approval stage add all the details

After adding all details in the approval stage go to permission tab to select the permission of fields which will be editable, read-only and hidden for the user

The fields which are selected that will be editable and hidden for initiator

The fields which are selected that will be editable, read-only and hidden for initiator step-1

After adding all the permission go to finish tab

Click on the finish button to end the approval workflow

A new workflow will be added in the list

Add Record

To create a work flow for add record stage,

Select the Add record stage

In Add new record stage, add all the details and click on configure

Configure all the details and click on ok

Go to finish tab and click on finish button to save the workflow

Update Record

In update record user can update the existing record

Select update record in workflow stages

In the update record stage, add the details and click on the configure

Configure all the details and click on Ok

Go to finish tab

Click on the finish button to save the workflow

Approval task

User can add a workflow to approve the task

In general tab select the stage Task Approval


User can add a workflow on condition base

In general tab select the Condition stage

In the condition stage, click on the configure to set the condition

Configure the condition and click on Ok

After adding a condition configure the next stage

To add a stage click on the stage

Select the update record and click on Ok

In the stage select the update record stage, if the condition will fulfill, the record will updated

In update record add the stage name and click on configure

Configure the stage and click on Ok

Go to finish tab

Click on finish and save the workflow

For Each

When user has to add a record multiple time then For Each stage will add that multiple records

In Detail tab add all the details

Go to workflow stages

Select For Each stage in General tab

In for each select the repository and configure the condition

Configure the condition and click on Ok

To add a new stage click on the stage

Select the Update record stage

In update record, add stage name and click on configure

Configure the update record stage and click on Ok

Go to finish tab

Click on the finish button and save the workflow

Add Task

In add task workflow user can add a task for multiple employees

To add a task select the automated flow

Select the option On Record Added and click on Next

Click on the detail tab and add all the details

After adding all the details click on the workflow stages

In workflow stages, click on stages

In General tab Select the Add Task

Add the stage name and click on configure

Configure all the details and click on Ok

Go to finish tab

Click on the finish button and save the workflow

Add or Update Record

In Add or Update Record workflow user can add or update the multiple records

Select the automated flow

Select the option On Record Added and click on Next

Click on the detail tab and add all the details

Go to workflow stages, click on stages

In General tab Select the Add or Update Record

Add the stage name and click on configure

Configure all the details and click on Ok

Go to finish tab

Click on the finish button and save the workflow

Last updated